Phases of Grace

I. Death

After He sighed His last,
the dead came out
to bat their eyes and survived,
the earth revived.

The light
of God passed into
the fields,
the whitewashed fields.

The land survived,
the land revived.

II. Resurrection

There were burrs and
and holy outrage
in our dying race
in need of grace.

And grace is in
a tomb and a tree,
my brothers and sisters,
in a time that is free.

Death was on the earth,
it did not realize,
it did not recognize,
it will not survive.

III. Everlasting Life

There are still burrs and
and holy outrage

as men and women gallivant
from here to there all nonchalant,

cities coil with selfish boys
and girls.

But He sighed and
we came out
to bat our eyes,
we revive,
we will survive.

Ben Plunkett

Greetings from the booming metropolis that is Pleasant View, Tennessee. I am a man of constant spiritual highs and spiritual lows. I pray that I serve God at my highest even when I am lowest. Ben was a founding member of Rambling Ever On and a regular contributor and editor until his untimely death in April 2020. We wrote a tribute to him, but the best tribute you can give him would be to read all the wonderful poems, short stories, book reviews, theological essays, and ridiculous satire pieces he wrote for us. Pass them on to others and maybe allow Ben to inspire you to write something yourself.

6 thoughts on “Phases of Grace

  • March 22, 2016 at 9:00 am

    Bless you, Ben. Thanks for sharing beautiful, powerful poetry from your heart.

    • March 22, 2016 at 9:14 am

      Thanks, Mr. Lytle!

    • March 22, 2016 at 10:38 am

      I agree. Wonderful poem! Possibly my favorite of yours.

  • March 24, 2016 at 10:12 am

    Death will not survive. As Finn says on Waking Ned Devine, “That’s poetry.”

  • March 24, 2016 at 11:02 am

    Thank you Atwood and Lytles!


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