F. Leroy Forlines – REO Pays Tribute
I have lost count of the great Free Will Baptist leaders and individuals I have heard say Leroy Forlines had a profound impact on their Christian life. Teacher, writer, speaker, thinker, and short-term missionary, all of these were chapters in one of the greatest books in Free Will Baptist history. God continues to use his spiritual legacy in all of these roles, educating and inspiring many generations of Christians. His passage through the brief span of time given to all men and women has left a lasting and extremely significant footprint for many generations of disciples who have followed and are following his lead.
Early Life
Leroy Forlines had felt a call to the ministry as a teenager. He was born in 1926 in Greenville, North Carolina, the eldest son of John and Leta Forlines. Early in his life, he worked as a mechanic at Elbert Smith’s Esso Station. In October 1944 at the age of 17, he converted to Christianity. Two years later he decided God was calling him to preach. So, in 1948 he moved to Nashville to begin his education for the ministry Welch College1 During his time as a student, he preached his very first sermon on a downtown Nashville street corner. It was also during his early years that he was deeply impacted by L.C. Johnson’s class on Arminian Theology. Throughout these college years, he had a strong role in student body leadership, serving as the president of his 1952 graduating class.
After graduation, Leroy Forlines immediately entered the ministry, serving as pastor of First Free Will Baptist Church in Newport News, Virginia from June 1952 to August 1953. He resigned this role and returned to Welch College to join the teaching faculty. He continued in that role full-time for almost 40 years. In 1957 he met and fell in love with Carolyn Le Fay Gilbert. They married and had two sons, Jon and James.
During those early years in the professorship, he was continuing his own education. He attained his M.A. from the Winona Lake School of Theology in 1959. In 1962 he earned his B.D. from the Northern Baptist Theological Seminary, and in 1970 he earned a Th.M from the Chicago Graduate School of Theology.
In 1963, he began working with the Commission for Theological Integrity and was made its chairman. He would remain highly involved in its leadership for the next 50 years. He officially and publicly stepped down as its chairman at the 2012 National Convention.
Post Retirement Ministry
Although Leroy Forlines retired from a full-time position from Welch in 1992, he has remained involved in its work, being granted the honorary title, Professor Emeritus. In this capacity, he continued to teach at the college until five years ago. But he kept fairly regular hours in his Welch office until the college campus moved to Gallatin. He has also taught overseas throughout his retirement. Beginning in 1996, with the assistance of Free Will Baptist International Missions he made numerous trips to lecture in Ukraine and Russia to Baptist pastors.
Forlines’s ministry has spanned six decades. He has written multitudes of great Christian articles and books during his long ministry. Among his best and most influential may be:
- Biblical Ethics
- Biblical Systematics
- Morals and Orthodoxy
- The Doctrine of Perseverance
- The Romans Commentary
- Classical Arminianism
- The Quest for Truth
His entire career has been characterized by writing book after book. He just finished another one for which he is now seeking publication. For his hours of writing and study, he uses an office which Sylvan Park Free Will Baptist Church graciously provided after the school’s relocation. Welch has an office waiting for him in its Gallatin facilities into which he will soon relocate once again.
Today, Leroy Forlines is a healthy 91-year-old, having celebrated his most recent birthday in November. He and Fay continue to reside in the house they have lived in for almost 55 years.
- formerly Free Will Baptist Bible College ↩
- The School of Mankind (Considering Ecclesiastes) - April 27, 2022
- Considerations - April 27, 2021
- One last beautiful gift of insanity from the incredible mind of Benjamin Lloyd Plunkett - May 6, 2020
Leroy Forlines is truly one of Free Will Baptists great heroes and “impact players.” I, like many others, bless the Lord for his godly influence.
Mr Forlines truly is a great man of God. Worthy of the respect and honor of his faihful work simply serving the Lord.
Mr. Forlines wisdom in Biblical understanding and Exposition as well as his clear balanced views on ethics are excellent and in my opinion the best I have encountered. He most certainly has impacted my Biblical understanding immensely. Thank you Mr. Forlines for your sacrifice for the Lord’s work.
May your writings be used for many decades to come.
Ron Woodard
So glad you have posted this again on the occasion of Mr. Forlines’ homegoing.